Meditating in a busy world may be a challenge. Our minds are constantly moving, focused on survival and seeking the next opportunity of peace and purpose. In your moment of peace is where you want to create your world. Reflect on your purpose and build your mantra. Always remember you can use these mantras to return to your place of peace and joy at any moment. Repeat them to yourself until you have realigned yourself; this is the moment to focus on your desires, building your future in the present. Say your mantra with power and confidence internally and externally. Use your mantra whenever you feel challenged or lack confidence. Bring your intent to the present with your mantra. Use your mantra during periods of joy and happiness or after laughter or a randomly induced smile further aligning it with your peace and purpose, not just during perceived turmoil.
I am love, I am wealthy, I am happy, I am abundant. I am grateful.